In general, combating child labour in small-scale gold mines in Tanzania like in other places in the world is challenging (O'Driscoll, 2017, ILO, 2019). For example, despite TanzanianWeb

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A systematic review of artisanal and small-scale mining

Artisanal and small-scale mining (ASM) activities have contributed, in most cases, to the rural development of some African countries. Practically, these activities have influenced the environmental, health and socio-economic status. In essence, there is a need to investigate how these activities fuel poverty eradication in Africa. Here, a …Web

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Tanzanian gold miners ten times more likely to die from road …

Miners were 10 times more likely to die of traffic-related injuries than people who did not work in mining, according to a new study of Tanzania's gold mines published in PLOS Global Public ...Web

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Here is Why Small-Scale Miners are the Future of the …

These are the men and women of the mines, the small-scale gold miners of Tanzania. I had an opportunity to interview some of these men and women here in Dodoma at the Mpinga gold mine. The …Web

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Artisanal and Small-scale Gold Mining (ASGM) in Tanzania

There are approximately 1.5 million people directly involved in Tanzania's Artisanal and Small-scale Gold Mining (ASGM) sector. Tanzania first legalized ASGM …Web

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Elusive Gold and Uncertainty in Artisanal and Small-Scale Mining

Anna Frohn Pedersen. Artisanal and small-scale mining is one of the main non-farm rural livelihoods in the global south. Mostly, it is done with no geological data …Web

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'Centres of excellence' for artisanal and small-scale gold mining in

COEs in Tanzania are built, among other things, on an assumption that miners are entrepreneurs (Fisher, 2018; Hilson and McQuilken, 2014) and that COEs will automatically enable ASM miners to formalize. However, we should distinguish between the small number of site managers, pit managers and other entrepreneurs in the sector, and …Web

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'Centres of excellence' for artisanal and small-scale gold mining in

Through the Mining Act (2003) and Mining Regulations (2004), small-scale miners in Uganda can obtain 'Location Licenses', but these are difficult for artisanal miners to purchase (Fisher, 2018). Training and Awareness Campaign Committees have been established for ASM, which conduct gender-based audits and offer training on businessWeb

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Tanzania: Small Miners' Peg Hope on New Gold Refineries

Geita — Small scale miners have a greater chance to increase their revenue and contribute to economic growth thanks to the establishment of gold refineries in the Lake Zones.Web

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Reducing disease and death from Artisanal and Small-Scale …

For artisanal and small-scale gold mining the number of miners is estimated to be between 10 and 19 million. For all the different sectors of ASM accurate information on the number, gender distribution, and age distribution of artisanal and small-scale miners and on the numbers of people living in ASM communities in all countries …Web

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Knowledge of and Adherence to the Cyanide Code Among Small-scale Gold

The use of cyanide for gold extraction is a relatively efficient process.14,15 While cyanide has been commonly used by large scale gold miners, this technology is now popular and is being used in the SGM industry worldwide.8,14–16 This is the case in northern Tanzania, including the Lake Victoria basin, where cyanide is used to leach the …Web

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Case Study Tanzania June 2012

Estimates of the number of artisanal and small-scale miners in Tanzania range from 500,000 to 1.5 The government has estimated that small-scale mining generates at least three jobs for each individual directly involved.vii Gold and gemstones are the most widely extracted minerals byWeb

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economic recovery and investment promotion has taken place, with artisanal and small miners (ASM) rejuvenating the mining of gold and Tanzanite in the 1980s and being joined by large scale miners (LSM) since 1998. The ugly experience of mining worldwide and on the continent has also been reflected in Tanzania. Significant disputes and conflictsWeb

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A more recent study in Tanzania showed small scale mine worker are exposed to respirable dust during mining activities including drilling, blasting, and crushing of silica-bearing rocks (13). 2.5 Prevalence of Respiratory Symptoms among small scale gold miners Respiratory symptoms such as wheeze, phlegm production, cough, shortness of …Web

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gold mining) to the use of ASM revenue to finance ... and small-scale miners;the status,role,and importance of ASM in a country;specific support activities for the sector;and interactions between small-scale miners and large exploration and mining companies. ... Tanzania 143,000 26% >3,000 – ...Web

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Mining industry in Tanzania

Tanzania. Tanzania is abundant in minerals and natural resources, such as gold, diamonds, coal, and natural gas. As of 2021, nearly 500 active licenses explored over 40 types of minerals in the ...Web

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The ambiguity of transparency in the artisanal and small-scale …

Drawing on the perspectives of artisanal and small-scale gold miners in the Geita Region of Tanzania, we have shown that value chain transparency has been …Web

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Mining habitat, house and home during an East African gold …

The indigenous people were the Wasumbwa, living from hunting and honey-gathering … [In the 1970s] the first small gold rush happened 10 kilometers away. And when the gold was depleted there, some people came and settled in Nyarugusu. ... Nyarugusu is the oldest artisanal gold mining settlement in Tanzania … Many [miners] came from elsewhere ...Web

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Mapping artisanal and small-scale mining in northwest Tanzania

Miners and processors are a highly dynamic group of people. Particularly in gold mining, there are a lot of rushes in northwest Tanzania that may see thousands of workers come and go in a matter of months. 1 in 3 workers arrived from a different region, and many others travel within these vast regions in pursuit of employment opportunities.Web

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What is Tanzanite? It just made this man a millionaire. And …

Tanzanian small-scale miner Saniniu Kuryan Laizer, 52, poses with two of the biggest of the country's precious gemstones, tanzanite, as a millionaire during the ceremony for his historical ...Web

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Artisanal and small-scale mining in Tanzania and health …

In Tanzania, it is estimated that more than one million people are directly involved in artisanal and small-scale gold mining (ASGM), which is a subset of the artisanal and small-scale mining (ASM). Out of this, approximately 48.27 and 24.13% are men and children, respectively, while 27.60% are women [ 1 ].Web

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Artisanal and small-scale mining in Tanzania

Tanzania's government has taken steps to improve and formalise the sector but small-scale miners still face many challenges, including difficulty in obtaining mining land and licences; inadequate support to improve skills …Web

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Tanzania has started domestic gold purchases to boost forex …

On Friday, central bank Governor Emmanuel Tutuba said they were planning to buy six tonnes of gold from small and middle scale miners and other traders by the end of the year and had already ...Web

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Accidents, Injuries, and Safety among Artisanal and Small-Scale Gold

A cross-sectional survey was conducted among artisanal and small-scale gold miners. Data from 401 participants were analyzed using descriptive statistics and regression analysis. The prevalence of ...Web

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WIDER Working Paper 2021/119-Promoting environmental …

ASM produces at least 10 per cent of total gold production in Tanzania (UNEP 2012), as well as the majority of production of gemstones, copper ore, construction materialsthe and other, ... became 'perceived by small-scale miners as a strategy for generating revenue for state actors' (Spiegel 2017: 204). Therefore, a phased approach to ...Web

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World Bank Document

Tanzania and Tanzanians, and to enhance private investment" but would scale up the second aspect of the project development objective which aims to "improve benefits for Tanzania and Tanzanians." The scale up would address the following challenges: difficulty in identifying suitable geological environment for artisanal miners, inadequateWeb

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Small-scale mining and agriculture: Evidence from northwestern Tanzania

The growth of small-scale gold mining in Tanzania was driven by migrant miners and prospectors seeking to develop fresh gold deposits across the countryside ( Jønsson and Bryceson, 2009 ). This resulted in sudden surges of small-scale gold mining activity in certain locations, while other similar locations remained largely unaffected.Web

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Tanzania's Artisanal Gold Miners Slowly Poison Themselves With …

Estimates of mercury usage vary from between 13.2 and 214.4 tonnes in Tanzania every year, with the approximately 1.2 million artisanal miners being the largest number of users. Between 10% and 20% of all the gold produced in Tanzania is produced by small scale miners, about 30% of whom are women, according to government data. …Web

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Tanzania buys gold in new move to bolster foreign reserves

Tanzania is home to several large-scale gold miners, including Geita Gold, Bulyanhulu, North Mara, and Buzwagi. The country also hosts millions of artisans and small-scale miners across the country.Web

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Mapping artisanal and small-scale mining in northwest Tanzania

Miners processing gold in Mara, on the shores of Lake Victoria, 2017 (Photo:IPIS) In light of these concerns, IPIS initiated a mobile data collection campaign in northwest Tanzania. 450 small-scale mining and processing sites were surveyed on the nature and scope of operations, working conditions, distribution of wealth, and health, …Web

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Ecological aspects shaping child labour in Tanzania's artisanal …

The study findings have indicated continued poverty at family level, peer and family influence, lack of training opportunities, inadequate parenting and family disintegration, and lack of responsive community structures as among the main factors putting children at the mercy of exploitative artisanal and small-scale gold miners.Web

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Mining mobility and settlement during an East African gold boom

Tanzania's gold boom infused irrational exuberance in large numbers of people, who moved towards gold strike sites, spurred by aspirations of achievement and betterment. ... Successful gold miners not only built comfortable homes at preferred locations but went on to invest in entrepreneurial ventures in ... Small-scale Miners' Livelihood ...Web

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Prevalence and factors associated with tuberculosis …

Tuberculosis (TB) is among diseases of global health importance with Sub Saharan Africa (SSA) accounting for 25% of the global TB burden. TB prevalence among miners in SSA is estimated at …Web

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Tanzania: Small-scale mining map reveals vast …

Most miners in Tanzania are searching for gold, but there is also gemstones, base metals and industrial minerals. Artisanal and small-scale mining (or "ASM") provides a livelihood for huge numbers of …Web

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